It seems that the "Do it yourself" thing started in the field of architecture to encourage people to renovate, to build etc---
this made me think of my drawings of things i would like to build: drawings of platforms (for my installations), drawings of possible nomadic houses (shelters) and drawings of micro architecture for gardens (platforms to contemplate rain, trees etc).
Recently i began a new series : drawings of ---my own house (a possible house for ng!).
Going from place to place, i ask myself a lot of questions about inhabiting and space
I'm now editing the second step of my project "your house is my home : living in utopia'---(the first step was in the bubble house of Antti Lovag, the second part was shot in los angeles)---
In this second part I focus on the relation between inside and outside (light -air- vegetation- architecture) , how the passage could be easy, how open a house could be---i'm also writing a text about spaces with excerpts of Perec 'especes d'espaces', mixing it with different conversations i had (with Yona Friedman etc--) when I make these drawings my question is : could i be a builder myself one day ? (me, a woman, a non specialist, an artist ) and this idea is more and more present in my head --- this idea to build my own NG house--- eventually! :)